Welcome to my personal virtual world.My name is Papagelis Athanasios (Call me Thanos or Sakis) and I'm a fourth year student at the Univercity Of Patras studying computers (my favorite thing).If U feel like loosing time try finding more things about me.
If U are a second year Computer Engineering student at the university of Patras click here for the microPro program stuff . (Believe me this is very interesting).
U can also try out some Java applets or go directly to our Algorithms Tutoring Web Page.There is also other Java stuff here.
Take a look at my hardware page - currently only a time table of CHIP PRICES
Want to create a web page ?.Here are many useful thinks to put in it.
Want to search the Web easily ? U can do it from here using the search page.
There is also Links to (different!?) places in Web.
And some pictures of mine and my friends (makes my memory flash) .Enjoy ...
Don't forget to visit and sign my guestbook below ...

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