Aurela Shehu


Hello visitor! This is my personal web page. I'm currently a Master student in the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras, in the Program Signal Processing and Communication Systems. I am a member of the Signal Processing & Communications Lab under the supervision of Professor Emmanouil Psarakis.

Research Interests
Computer Vision, Augmented Reality, Digital Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Processing of Biological Signals

  • I am a graduate of the Municipal Conservatory of Patras in Violin. I hold a Diploma in Violin and I currently am a violin teacher with the Patraiko Conservatory. In the past I was violin teacher with the Municipal Conservatory of Kefalonia.
  • Literature: Really enjoy F.Dostoevsky, J. Austen, G. Orwell, F. Scott Fitzgerald, L. M. Alcott
  • Cinema
  • Aerobic
  • Graduated as 5th out of approx. 200 students
  • Ranking 3rd out of approx. 270 students in the academic year 2007-08 (3rd year of my studies)

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