Beatles' Records' Reviews
I have only reviewed records which I own or have heard. Ratings: |    | = good
    | = very good
     | = excellent
Rubber Soul 

As time went by, the Beatles progressed more and more.
Rubber Soul contains
Norwegian Wood,
the first Beatles song to feature a sitar-more songs would soon follow.
Abbey Road 

Although the Beatles' break-up was close, the Beatles managed to cast their differences
aside for the greater part of the
Abbey Road recording sessions and to produce a record that sounded
like the work of the band as a unit, unlike it's predecessor, the
White Album. The result was a record
that -again-I can't find the words to describe. You
must buy this record and after listening to it you will
have no more doubt of the Beatles' genius, or of the fact that they were the greatest band of the 20th century.
Yellow Submarine(original LP)
The original Yellow Submarine LP contained the title song, the 4 new songs writen for the film and
George Martin's orchestral score for the film. The Yellow Submarine Songtrack renders this record useless
in my opinion (unless you want to hear the film's orchestral score).
The Beatles:Live at the BBC

This record contains a collection of songs that the Beatles recorded for BBC radio series. Most of the
songs are not written by the Beatles themselves, as the Beatles played mainly songs that they liked
and used to play in clubs before they became famous on those BBC programmes. Still it is an enjoyable
record(at least it was for me)-and it also contains some interesting variations of some songs, such as
Honey Don't being sung by John and
Baby it's you with a different ending.