#! /usr/bin/perl $this_dir = $0; $this_dir =~ s/\/[^\/]*$// && unshift(@INC,"$this_dir"); $this_dir =~ s/\\[^\\]*$// && unshift(@INC,"$this_dir"); require 'library.cgi'; require 'config.cgi'; &parse_form; &check_exp; if($FORM{'action'} eq "") { # Output Voting Center main display page. opendir(BASE,"$base_dir") || &error("Unable to open the Voting Center directory"); &header; print qq! !; $exp_topics = 0; while($file = readdir(BASE)) { if($file =~ /^(.*)\.info$/) { $name = $1; if(-e "$base_dir/$name.exp") { $exp_topics = 1; next; } open(INFO,"$base_dir/$file") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $file"); @MYINFO =; close(INFO); if($MYINFO[2] =~ /never/i) { $exp_date = "Never"; } else { ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($MYINFO[2]); $year += 1900; $exp_date = "$months[$mon] $mday, $year ($days[$wday])"; } print qq! !; } } print "
Current Topics
$MYINFO[1] Vote | Results Expires: $exp_date

\n"; closedir(BASE); if($exp_topics) { opendir(BASE,"$base_dir") || &error("Unable to open the Voting Center directory"); print qq! !; while($file = readdir(BASE)) { if($file =~ /^(.*)\.info$/) { $name = $1; if(! -e "$base_dir/$name.exp") { next; } open(INFO,"$base_dir/$file") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $file"); @MYINFO =; close(INFO); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($MYINFO[2]); $year += 1900; $exp_date = "$months[$mon] $mday, $year ($days[$wday])"; print qq! !; } } print "
Previous Topics
$MYINFO[1] Results
\n"; closedir(BASE); } &footer; } elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "show") { if(! -e "$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") { &error("The topic, $FORM{'topic'}, does not exist."); } open(INFO,"$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.info"); @MYINFO =; close(INFO); chomp($MYINFO[0]); chomp($MYINFO[4]); @answers = split(/\&\&/,$MYINFO[4]); open(DAT,"$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.dat") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.dat"); @MYDATA =; close(DAT); # Output results page for specified topic &header; print qq!


!; $i = 0; foreach $answer (@answers) { chomp($MYDATA[$i]); if($MYINFO[0] > 0) { $percentage = int($MYDATA[$i] / $MYINFO[0] * 100); $bar = $percentage * $bar_length; } else { $percentage = 0; $bar = 5; } print qq! !; $i++; } print qq!
$MYINFO[1] ($MYINFO[0] votes)
$MYDATA[$i] ($percentage\%)
!; &footer; } elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "vpage") { # Output Voting Page for the specified topic open(INFO,"$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.info"); @MYINFO =; close(INFO); chomp($MYINFO[4]); @answers = split(/\&\&/,$MYINFO[4]); &header; print qq! !; $i = 0; foreach $answer (@answers) { print qq! !; $i++; } print qq!

!; &footer; } elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "vote") { # Log the vote for the specified topic if(&validate("$FORM{'topic'}")) { &error("Our records show that you have already voted for this topic. Please only vote once per topic."); } if(! -e "$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") { &error("The topic you are trying to participate in, $FORM{'topic'}, was not found."); } if(-e "$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.exp") { &error("The topic you are trying to vote in has already expired and is no longer accepting votes. However, you can see the results of the poll here."); } &file_lock("$FORM{'topic'}"); open(INFO,"$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.info"); @MYINFO =; close(INFO); open(DAT,"$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.dat") || &error("Unable to open Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.dat"); @MYDATA = ; close(DAT); $vote = $FORM{'vote'}; chomp($MYDATA[$vote]); $MYDATA[$vote] += 1; $MYDATA[$vote] .= "\n"; open(DAT,">$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.dat") || &error("Unable to write to Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.dat"); print DAT @MYDATA; close(DAT); chomp($MYINFO[0]); $MYINFO[0] += 1; $MYINFO[0] .= "\n"; open(INFO,">$base_dir/$FORM{'topic'}.info") || &error("Unable to write to Voting Center file: $FORM{'topic'}.info"); print INFO @MYINFO; close(INFO); &file_unlock("$FORM{'topic'}"); &loguser("$FORM{'topic'}"); if($FORM{'type'} eq "ssi") { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "Location: $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}?results\n\n"; exit; } chomp($MYINFO[3]); if($MYINFO[3] =~ /.*\:\/\/.*\..*/) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "Location: $MYINFO[3]\n\n"; exit; } &header; print qq!

Your vote has been casted

Thank you for participating in our poll. The results have already been updated and you can view them here.

!; &footer; } else { &error("Invalid Data: Voting Center does not understand the parameters you specified"); }