Damianos Dumi Sigalas

Undergraduate student,
Computer Engineering & Informatics Department,
University of Patras, Greece

Welcome to my personal student page! 👋

I’m currently pursuing an integrated master’s diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics (EQF Level 7, 300 ECTS) at the University of Patras. I explored various areas of Computer Science and Engineering to broaden my understanding of the field. Over time, I developed a strong interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), a field that blends theory with practical applications, while considering human factors and societal implications in technology design. 

Outside of my studies, I have a deep fascination with typography, especially in its printed forms.

  • First name: Damianos 
  • Last name: Dumi Sigalas
  • Original form (Greek):
    Δαμιανός Ντούμη - Σιγάλας
  • 🇬🇷 🇦🇱