Other Stuff

Below you can find some useful applications and components I have created. If you find them interesting or have questions or comments, just drop me an e-mail to let me know.

Do not forget to check the Mp3Xplorer that has its own page.


TspSolver v2.0 [538 KB] (Delphi 7, source, exe) - TSP Solver is a program that solves the famous Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) of the graph theory. It gives you the option of using the Heuristic or the Exhaustive algorithm, it calculates the optimal cost and measures the time and the flop of the algorithm. It also creates graphs of the results that are very usefull for the study of the problem. In this version, the program has been totally redesigned and optimized!


GrEdit [182 KB] (Delphi 5, source, demo source with exe) - TGrEdit is an Ancestor of the TEdit component and contains some more functionability concerning the format of the text like whether it should accept only numbers or even define how to act when 'illegal' characters are entered.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In case the download doesn't work properly, press the right mouse button on the link and select "Save As..."

Page URL: http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~miatidis/
Last Modified: 15 March 2003
Copyright © 2003, by GrMikeD
All rights reserved.