DirectX tutorial 5: Index buffers
Sure we have created a triangle, and sure all objects are composed of triangles (in 3D modeling context), but we have to do one more thing before we move all this into the 3D world – that is, before we start looking at viewports, projections, rotation and so on.
Right now we send raw data to the buffer and the device, telling it what to put where and what to draw. DirectX uses index buffers however, so that instead of sending the whole vertex again and again, you send the vertices once and then you just reference them by a number – an index. Essentially this just creates an array-like abstraction, you use an index in an array, you use an index in this buffer.
Before we start, copy and rename the previous initialization and 3D rendering functions. We will work on the function with the original name, but to be sure you don’t mess anything up, create an enumerator or an integer and use a switch-case statement so you can control which function is to be used.
The index buffer is an interface, so you will create it like the Direct3D device.
So, first off, we need to declare an index buffer. We’ll do that in the 3Dheader.h for now:
IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 iBuffer;
Next thing we need to do is load it. Go to the init_graphics function. You can delete the previous code if you wish, however as long as you don’t render the previous buffer it shouldn’t be a problem:
HRESULT hr = pd3dDevice->CreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(IndexData)*sizeof(WORD),
Now, the first argument is the size of the buffer. We multiply it by the size of WORD, which is roughly twice the size of each element (you will see that we technically use short int, as we don’t intend to have many indices). IndexData we will declare soon, it will store a series of indices, it is just an array of integers or DWORDs. We specify the usage to be for writing (reading will not occur yet), and the format we declare to be 16 bits per index. Afterwards we assign it to the default memory pool. Finally we give it the address of the pointer that we will be using to access it, and the final parameter is a reserved pHandle variable that should be set to NULL.
I think it’s time to explain what the plan is. With the previous method we would need 2*6*3=36 vertices to create the 2*6 triangles that would compose the 6 square surfaces of a cube. Now we will use 8 vertices representing the 8 corners of the cube, each corresponding to a single number, and then we will just place 2*6 sequences of 3 numbers. Thus the memory before was 36* the size of the vertex, which is 8 numbers, in total 36*8. Now we will need 8*8 + 36. With some simple math we conclude that it takes about 65% less room in the memory, thus in the same room we can nearly store 3 such cubes. And in a more complex model where the same vertex may be shared by numerous faces this gain probably increases a lot.
A little disclaimer, in this tutorial you will probably only see one side of the cube as we do not do any rotation or projection. You will see evidence of it’s three-dimensionality in the next tutorial.
Now, we have to define our cube’s points. Just copy-paste them:
CUSTOMVERTEX cubeVertices[ ] = {
{-1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 0
{-1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 1
{1.0f, 1.0f,-1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 2
{ 1.0f,-1.0f,-1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 3
{-1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 4
{1.0f,-1.0f, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 5
{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)}, // 6
{-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,0,0,255)} // 7
The numbers in the comments are the indexes that will be assigned to the vertices. Now let’s create the index array:
WORD IndexData[ ] = {
0,1,2, // triangle 1
2,3,0, // triangle 2
4,5,6, // triangle 3
6,7,4, // triangle 4
0,3,5, // triangle 5
5,4,0, // triangle 6
3,2,6, // triangle 7
6,5,3, // triangle 8
2,1,7, // triangle 9
7,6,2, // triangle 10
1,0,4, // triangle 11
4,7,1 // triangle 12
The elements are equivalent to integers. I have taken this example straight from a book so you don’t need to worry about it not being right. So, next step is to add the indices to the index buffer, we will use the VOID pointer we already have:
iBuffer->Lock(0, 3*12*sizeof(WORD), (void**)&pVoid, 0);
memcpy(pVoid, indices, sizeof(indices));
This should have the buffer ready.
Now we move back into D3DLoader.h, where we will change the Render3D() function. After we set the stream source, we set the indices and replace the drawing method so that we use the index buffer:
pd3dDevice->DrawIndexedPrimitive(D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, //mode
0, //first vertex index
0, //minimum vertex index
8, //number of vertices
0, //starting index
12); //number of primitives to draw
Now you can compile and run the program. It is most probable that you will see nothing, that’s why I did a find and replace operation, changing -1.0f to 200 and 1.0f to 400, otherwise you only get a pixel in the upper left corner drawn, as you do not do any transformations and thus give screen coordinates. Do that to see that it works (you should see a blue rectangle), and then set the values back to the original so that you have the correct model.
Though this tutorial probably looked really short, I can assure you that it took me days to get everything right, so don’t be discouraged if it takes some time to get things working! After all, even that last remark about the vertices and the size of the model was an observation done late in the debugging, and might have been the problem from the beginning, so don’t think that others are that much more ahead of you.
In the next tutorial we will project the box to our camera, the tutorial will cover rotating the box and making it move about a little bit, just to demonstrate three-dimensionality. You will find a tutorial in the secondary series that will rotate the camera around the box.
You can download the project files here. Don’t be afraid to experiment, try to make this by changing the position and color of one vertex: