[photograph of George Dimitriadis]

George Ath. Dimitriadis

Master Candidate,
Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics , University of Patras

Professional member of IEE, The world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology
  • 2018: R&D Engineer - Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Company Name ICS-FORTH
  • 2017: Internship - CARV Lab Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Company Name ICS-FORTH
  • 2016: Graduated from University of Crete (UOC) Computer Science Department (CSD)
    Institute of Computer Science (ICS), Foundation for Research & Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion Crete, Greece.

    Home Page: http://students.ceid.upatras.gr/~g.dimitriadis/
    E-mail: dimitriadi papaki ieee teleia org
    Tel: +30 - 2531059216 (office), +30 - 6981005987 (Mobile),
    Address (Postal and Courier): Thrakikon Sporadon 3, Ektenepol, Komotini , Rodopi GR-69100 GREECE.
    Office Hours: 08.30-14.30
    Skype : George-csd
    linkedin : George Dimitriadis (preferably, call or email , for confirmation and appointment).

    Areas of Interest:
    - Computer Architecture
    - Low-Power
    - Multiprocessor
    - System Architecture for High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data
    - Exascale Computing
    - RISC-V
    - Memory Architecture
    - Interconnection Network Architecture

  • Curriculum Vitae Greek version (2018)

    Research Projects:

    Teaching Assistant:

  • My family: my wife Dimitra Penelope Milona and my daughter Erieta Kiriaki Dimitriadi
    © Copyright 2019 George Dimitriadis.