My name is Photis Georgatos
, aka gef on the Internet.
I am 27 years old and hold a family origin from Kateleios,
a small village in picturesque Kefalonia.
I have mostly faced a city life, having lived in Thessaloniki,
Athens, Patras, Amsterdam.
I have two brothers:
Alekos &
Makis .
We have a dog named
Krumo, too.
I have been studying in University
of Patras ,
where I graduated after 6 interesting years, studying at
Engineering and Informatics Dpt.
After much public request,
There is a demo of my graduation
here. Hey, it's only a demo!
I used to be an active member of BEST Patras.
I have been living in Amsterdam, Netherlands, where I went to work for the
Test-Traffic project
of RIPE NCC. That job lasted a little bit more than 2 years and
involved mostly System & Network Administration for ISP related machinery.
Shortly after, I started contracting on project basis and created my own
one-man-business (een-man-zaak),
Mikros Kosmos.
The cool thing about it, is that it is focused on Open Systems
and Open Architectures. Linux and FreeBSD at large. Let's see how it goes...
Next to Amsterdam' jobs, I have been studying at
University of Amsterdam,
in a Masters program of the Computer Science track. My interests cover knowledge transfer of Programming & Languages
(well, including natural ones). Python is my current language of choice for baptising novices in programming.
My favourite demigods of Science are
Noam Chomsky
Donald Knuth.